4. National cuisine - Speaking



I like salads. The reasons I prefer vegetable salad are: it is not difficult to cook them, they are tasty and useful. I dislike pork, one of the reasons why I wouldn’t choose it is its fat.


1. What can you say about Ukrainian hospitality? — Ukrainian people are very hospitable. They are typically kindhearted, friendly and well wishing to both follow countrymen and foreigners.

2. What are your meal-times? What order of meals do you follow? — In Ukrainian we have breakfast, dinner and supper. As for me I have breakfast at home before classes, lunch at school, dinner and supper at home.

3. What is the difference between meals and meal-times in England and Ukraine? — In Ukraine we don’t have afternoon tea. I think it is an English tradition. Our food is more natural and plainer than in England.

4.   What is English "afternoon tea?" — It is a cup of tea and a cake or a pastry. For English it is a social occasion when people come in for a chat over their cup of tea.

5.   What is your favourite dish? — My favourite dish is varenyky with cherries.

6.   How would you lay the table for the guests? What about the menu? — We usually lay white clean table — cloth and napkins, put nice dinner and salad plates, dinner forks and steak knives, bread-and-butter plate, butter knife, juice glasses and vine glasses and put a vase with flowers. Our table is always very attractive.

7. What do you generally take for the first (second) course? — For the first course we usually serve different salads with coked as well us uncooked vegetables

along with cheese, fish, seafood, meats, nuts with salt, oil or mayonnaise and seasonings. A meat course consists of veal or beef, or chicken. Sometimes meat is made into roasts, sometimes it is made into outlets, small slices of meat served breaded and fried or broiled and sauced. It is accompanied with mushrooms and canned vegetables and potatoes. After meat course desserts come: apple, fruit or cream pics or cakes, frozen disserts such as ice-cream with chocolate or strawberry and of course tea or coffee with sugar, lemon and cream.

8. Do the national Ukrainian dishes differ from the English ones? — Yes, they do. The English don’t have such dishes as borsch, varenyky, deruny and salo. But they have kholodets and mlyntsi, they call them stew and pancakes.


The name of my restaurant will be

"New York"



Smoked oysters, cantaloupe, shrimp, egg roll, fragrant vegetables and meat or fish bits rolled in pastry salami, tomato, mushrooms, artichokes, heats pimientos, anchovies, olives, tuna, pickled beets, sliced, smoked fish, chopped chicken liver or caviar, pickles, onions, tiny tomatoes, cheese, small loaves of bread, juices, seafood cocktails: shrimp, crabs, oysters.

Main courses

Blanquette de veau, pork chops, pork roast. Brown rice and beef with walnuts, marinated steak and vegetables, roast beef with green sauce, chicken and ham with tarragon, chicken with apricot mayonnaise, chicken breasts in aspic, stuffed chicken rolls, chicken with walnut sauce, soy — sesame chicken with pineapple and onion.

Side dishes

Mashed potatoes, French-fried potatoes, fried "home style" potatoes, duchess potatoes, scalloped potatoes, potatoes an gratin, baked potatoes, baked potatoes with sour cream and chives, "potato bar", baked potatoes with bacon bits, cheese, spinach, string beans, peas, beets, cabbage, turnips, green peppers, mushroom caps stuffed with a bread-crumb, egg. chive and cheese mixture, lemon butter, almonds, tiny white onions, eggplant casserole, sliced tomatoes, beans, fried squash, stewed squash, cooked carrots.


Apple-carrot slaw, apple-beet salad. apple-cheese salad, apple, kumquat and cheese cabbage salad, apple slaw with sour cream dressing, asparagus salad, asparagus and pasta, banana-orange- radish salad. Barley salad eastern style. Barley salad with green peppers, barley salad with vegetables, middle eastern bean salad, green beans salad, pinto bean and avocado salad, white beans. Armenian green beans salad, white bean and tuna salad in tomato shells, beet salad with egg. broccoli and Bermuda onion salad, white bean and salmon salad, blueberry-radish salad, broccoli and red cabbage salad. Brussels sprouts salad, celery victor salad, carrot salad with orange, eauliflower-romaine salad. Desserts Fruit desserts

Ambrosia, applesauce, baked apples with maple syrup, poached apples, fruit kebabs, summer fruits with lime cream dressing, melon with berries, orange sliced with cranberry sauce, glazed oranges, peaches in raspberry sauce, glazed peaches with strawberry cream. peach-blueberry cake, poached pears in red wine, poached pears with currant jelly, coffee jelly, baked custard, mousse with coffee sauce lemon mold with

plump, chilled lemon souffle, nesselrode pic. nectarine mousse parfaits, Spanish cream, zabaglione, chocolate fantasy, triple strawberry treat, gelatin molds, parfaits and light puddings, orange yogurt sherbet, pineapple butter milk sherbet cake, plum yogurt sherbet, pineapple sherbet, almond cake with peaches and cream, coffee cheesecake, vanilla crust, cinnamon cheesecake, cookie dough crust, coconut cake, orange filling, banana-pecan squares, brownies, meringue kisses, date-nut bars, lace cookies, nut crisps, double- peanut cookies.

5. Red Ukrainian borsch

Boil 1 kg of meat in 2 l of water, add 1 up of salt.

Pill and cut into small pieces one carrot, one beetroot, one onion, fry all vegetables, add 4-5 tomatoes. Put them into a pan; boil up; add cutted cabbage, season with a little pepper.

Pill and cut into small pieces 5-6 large potatoes, put them into a pan with meat stock.

Served with sour cream and seasoning.

6.What do you think of English food? — I think that it is very tasty and plain. Do you think an English restaurant would be a success if it opened in your town? Why (not)? — I think it would be a success, because there are no an English restaurant in our town and English less and desserts are very popular. In Ukrainian people have a very sweet tooth.